It's Time to Think about Education in the 22nd Century

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We are nearly one-fifth through the 21st century. With the pace of technological change, we could start to question if measuring change every 100 years is still appropriate. 

Currently, education is poised at a tipping point, with one foot still firmly rooted in the Industrial Revolution of the 1800s, when a teacher stands at the front of the classroom and students sit on chairs behind rows of desks, learning in the same way to be educated and eventually, take their place in the workforce.

However, the workplace is no longer just the factory floor or the office building. It is in the boardroom, in the outdoors, a collaborative hot-seating worktable, or the cafe on the corner. How has education shifted to meet these new opportunities?

Download our free e-guide on Top Trends in Education That Every Parent Should Know.  

For real learning to take place, we first need a problem to solve or an issue to overcome. Our world today offers many challenges, and there are more waiting tomorrow. We do not know what these will be, but we do know the skills and aptitudes that will be needed to face them.

Successful 22nd-century students need to become resilient, capable and confident problems solvers, collaborative communicators and leaders for a life beyond school. At EtonHouse International School, Orchard, students will learn across subject specialities, developing an integrated understanding -- leading towards IGCSE & IB DP.

It is also essential for a learning environment to be intentionally designed and the areas well-defined for the child to self-navigate. Upon entering a classroom, a child must see how they can interact with the environment without an adult making choices for them. Here are some artist's impressions of the learning spaces at EtonHouse International School, Orchard.

The Board Room

Board rooms help teams work better together, capturing every decision and sharing understanding as projects grow and develop.


The Cave

The cave is a private space where individuals can think, reflect, and transform learning from external knowledge to subjective belief.


The Campfire 

The campfire is a space where people gather to learn from others. Students who are empowered to share their learning with peers and teachers.


The Mountain Top

A space for presenting work to demonstrate understanding -- serving as an incubator for ideas & promoting a sense of shared culture. 

Experience a school with a curriculum designed for millenials. 

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