Oxford Summer Courses Scholarship - Mary Richter shares her experience

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Having completed the Oxford Summer Courses scholarship offered exclusively to EtonHouse students, Mary Richter (then, a Y9 student at EtonHouse International School Orchard) shares her experience during the residential course. EtonHouse International School and Oxford Summer Courses formed this exclusive partnership to offer students the chance to gain the Oxbridge experience in the UK.


How did you feel when you first heard you were selected for the scholarship?

I was really excited upon receiving the email. I read it and screamed. I was jumping around in my lounge room and my parents thought there was something wrong with me. 


What was your experience like for the 2 weeks you spent there? 

It was like an educational school camp. We had lots of fun and there were many experiences involved, we walked around a lot too. Having had the opportunity to explore Oxford as a student and not a tourist was just amazing. 


What was the most memorable moment for you during the course? 

On the last night they organised the BOP, which was a celebration of music and dancing to commemorate the two weeks we had spent with each other. It was a nice way of saying goodbye to everyone. At the same time, you get to have lots of fun. Everyone was happy and danced their hearts out. 


What have you learnt during the course that has helped you in school? 

I learnt a lot about specialised cells and how they work in Biology because that was the subject I picked. The first unit when we began school during the term was about cells, which was what I had been learning during the Oxford Summer Course. By then I had already known alot about cells. It was really helpful in getting me prepared for the subject and was really fun to be able to apply the knowledge I have learnt from Oxford to school. I was proud of myself for that. 


What advice can you give to other students who are interested in this scholarship? 

You have to be really passionate to do this. It can be emotionally challenging being away from your family for 2 weeks, especially if you are younger. However, for older children, it is an opportunity to gain some freedom. Again, you have to be mentally prepared for long days of classes as well as the long haul flight from Singapore to the UK. Also, do pack for both summer and winter as the weather can be unpredictable. 

For an opportunity to experience what Mary did, find out more about these scholarship at EtonHouse International School Orchard.

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