EtonHouse Blog

4 Things You Might Not Know About The Lunar New Year

Written by EtonHouse Singapore | Jan 28, 2022

Lunar New Year, also known as Chinese New Year or Spring festival, is round the corner! Celebrated over 15 days, it is the biggest, most important festive holiday for the Chinese. Whether you are new to the festival or have been celebrating with your family, here are some interesting facts you may not know.

1. You can spring clean your homes before the start of the Lunar New Year, but not during the festival.


Out with the old and bad, in with the new and good! Now is the time to put the KonMari method in practice by getting rid of things that don't 'spark joy'. Chinese believe that clearing unwanted items and removing old, broken furniture also removes bad luck and makes room for good fortune. However, the tradition forbids you to perform any cleaning tasks during the 15 days of Lunar New Year as the act is associated with allowing good luck to escape and bringing the bad luck back into your house.

2. The 7th day of the Lunar New Year is everyone's birthday.

The 7th day of the Lunar New Year, known as 人日, translates literally into 'People's Day'. According to Chinese belief, Nüwa – a goddess in Chinese mythology created the world and made a different creature each day, starting with chicken, dog, pig, sheep, ox, horse, and finally, human being.

To celebrate, the Chinese advise to toss and eat 鱼生, a raw fish salad. The dish is deemed auspicious because of the meaning behind each ingredient. When the elements come together, it implies an abundance of wealth and long life. 

Source: The Woks of Life

The Chinese also typically eat 长寿面, known as longevity noodles on this day. The long strands of noodles symbolise long life; therefore, try not to break the noodles using chopsticks or teeth when eating.

3. The order of the zodiac signs is based on an ancient tale.

Source: "The Great Race, The Story of the Chinese Zodiac" by Dawn Casey

Many know that the Chinese zodiac features 12 animals; however, not many know how the order comes about. According to the ancient tale, Jade Emperor – the ruler of all Heavens, organised a race to select 12 animals to be his royal guards. He invited all animals to participate and promised to choose the first twelve that go past the Heavenly gate.

Source: "The Great Race, The Story of the Chinese Zodiac" by Dawn Casey

The rat was the first to set off and make its way over. On its journey, the rat encountered a swift river. While contemplating how to get across the river, an ox came by and started crossing. The rat took the opportunity and jumped on the ox for a ride across. When they were about to approach the destination, the rat leapt off the ox, made a dash to the feet of the Emperor and secured the first place. The rest follows, and that forms the order of the zodiac signs.

4. Family is at the heart of the Lunar New Year celebration.

Source: iStock

Family and relatives get together during Lunar New Year to enjoy and bond with people who matter most to them. On Lunar New Year's Eve, families gather for 年夜飯or 團圓飯, known as reunion dinner, This is considered the most significant meal of the entire year, and family members will rush to return home to celebrate with their loved ones. The custom of visiting relatives and friends during the festivals is also important and a way for families to express their good wishes for each other through the ritual exchange of gifts and symbolic foods.

We hope you have gained a deeper understanding of the upcoming festival. From the EtonHouse family, we wish you have a roaring start to the Year of Tiger and be abundant in prosperity and health. Happy Lunar New Year!